Disease Forecasting

Improve and justify the selection and timing of fungicide treatments.

Generating risk assessments and information upon which you can act.

We provide a disease modelling Decision Support System (DSS) to aid you with the timing of crop protection inputs such as insecticides and fungicides.

Our system allows you to be both proactive as well as reactive to infection conditions and employ a rational approach to the selection and application of protective and curative products.

To be effective, our disease forecasting system requires access to a reliable source of local weather data. Weather stations, a local weather forecast, or weather data can be provided to you anywhere in the UK and Ireland.

The DSS models utilise:

  • Field location and characteristics
  • Crop growth and development
  • Variety susceptibility
  • Local infection sources
  • Fungicide degradation
  • Known biology and activity of the organism

Models are available for a range of diseases in arable and vegetable crops