3 ALO t6p

A unique foliar treatment that maximises seed and grain filling to optimise yield potential.

3 ALO t6p contains a precursor of the sugar Trehalose-6-Phosphate (T6P), which regulates important metabolic and developmental processes within plants. This includes carbon fixation and balancing the concentration of carbohydrates, particularly sucrose. As the main fuel generated by photosynthesis, sucrose is key to the development of cereal grains.

By relocating carbohydrates into grain within the kernel or seed and providing more T6P, this has a positive effect on crop yield, whilst improving the response to environmental stresses such as drought.

This product is not currently available for malting barley.

grain barn being loaded

3 ALO t6p offers the following benefits:

  • Increased yield through improved grain management
  • Improved management of stresses, particularly drought


application rate of 3 alo t6p, 1 litre per hectare at growth stage 30-69

Other features

  • Tank mixable
  • 10L pack size
  • Must be applied to manganese and boron sufficient crops only

Grower trials

Trials conducted by Agrovista in Northamptonshire show a measurable increase in yield (t/ha) following the application of 3 ALO t6p to spring cereals.

Yield (t/ha)

increase in yield with 3 alo t6p application

Yield response over untreated

yield response increasing follwong 3 alo t6p application