Fruit insight

Making targeted applications easy

Fruit Insight uses the latest technology to provide live weather data, coupled with Rimpro disease prediction software to gain vital information helping growers take a renewed approach to sustainable crop protection and potential risks.

Available on the Agrovista Insight app. Updated every 30 minutes allowing you to maximise control and minimise your costs.


Fruit Insight gives you access to

  • Local weather data recorded and 10 day weather forecast
  • Apple and pear scab: spore releases, primary and secondary infection risk
  • Apple sawfly: activity, larval development and the optimum time to apply control
  • Codling moth: flight and activity, egg laying and larval emergence
  • Fireblight and powdery mildew: timing and intensity of infection periods
  • Neonectria canker: infection risk and wound infectibility
  • Cherry leaf spot and Monilinia: pathogen risk
  • Grape Downy mildew, powdery mildew and black rot: spore dissemination events and infection risk

In addition, Fruit Insight helps you time your applications to perfection and eliminate unnecessary applications. And allows the user to input scab spray programs in order to determine residual coverage and length of curative activity.

weather station fruit

  • Reduce residues
  • Reduce input costs
  • Time applications to perfection
  • Avoid unnecessary applications
  • Comply with assured produce schemes
  • Maximise product efficacy and efficiency

What makes Fruit insight different to other subscription services is that it includes text message alerts to major events.

Subscribers also have telephone access to an Agrovista agronomist for further support, as well as on farm advisory visits.

growers choice interactivefruit