Why choose Wignest?
Wignest boosts numbers of earwigs. Earwigs have proven invaluable within pome fruit orchards. They prey upon and significantly reduce numbers of damaging pests, such as the pear sucker, codling moth and
woolly apple aphid.
Why so few earwigs?
Due to pesticide use and lack of shelter and food, earwigs are less successful in establishing in some pome fruit orchards. The earwig only produces one generation per year, so numbers can be diminished by insecticide use and soil disturbance if targeted during vulnerable stages of their life cycle. Providing shelter and food helps to establish a healthy population which will readily feed on pests.
Not just earwigs
The Wignest not only attracts earwigs, it provides shelter for a wide range of predatory species throughout the year, including ladybirds, spiders and lacewings.