Twoxo XL

Enhance nutrient use

Twoxo XL is a unique award-winning signalling molecule designed to increase nitrogen assimilation in plants and up-regulate photosynthesis.

The technology has many possibilities. It can increase crop establishment, growth and development, leading to increased yield and quality depending upon application, timing and dose.

It is proven 2-oxo is superior to L-PGA, but the combination outperforms either separately.

What does it do?

The 2-oxoglutaramate (2-OXO) technology stimulates the plant to increase both CO2 uptake as well as nitrogen. This creates a similar crop effect to that of elevated atmospheric CO2 levels, increasing biomass and yield.

The complex with L-PGA is very synergistic, as both are critical for N assimilation and nitrogen use efficiency.


  • Improved root and shoot mass
  • Increases fertiliser uptake
  • Increases nitrogen assimilation
  • Increases photosynthesis= increased CO2 fixation


  • Increases growth – tillers
  • Increases leaf protein
  • Improved nutrient use efficiency
  • Increases seeds/ear
  • Increases soil microbial biomass
  • Enhances yield / quality
£68 per hectare return on investment, 100% chance of a return on investment, 13% average yield increase

How does it do it?

The unique combination of 2-oxo, L-PGA and y-PGA work synergistically to enhance nutrient use efficiency, increasing the assimilation of nitrogen co-ordinated with CO2 fixation from photosynthesis. It is proven that 2-oxo is superior to L-PGA, but the combination outperforms either separately.

Sources of nitrogen

nitrogen assimilation carbon metabolism increaded yield and quality


Crop Timing Dose
Cereals GS 30 – 32 (trials optimum GS31) * 1.0l/ha
OSR G bud – mid flowering (trials optimum) * 1.0l/ha
Potatoes Onset and mid bulking* 1.0l/ha x2

*Can be applied alone or with liquid N fertiliser


Effect of 2-oxo on winter wheatnitrogen assimilation and carbon sequstratuion

Performance in the fieldperformance in field showing increase in yeild with twoxo xl

Effect on components of yield

Treatment Yield t/ha Ears m2 Weight of ear Grains/ear TGW Kg/HI Hagberg Protein Screenings
 Untreated 8.38 124.6 1.89 57.6 57.6 73.6 193 12.81 0.73
Twoxo 8.69 141.8 2.08 35.98 57.8 76 199 14.08 0.77