s RGT Grouse winter wheat variety - Agrovista Seeds

RGT Grouse - Group 4 Hard

Pressure is building for UK agriculture to farm more sustainably, improving soil health, and limiting emissions through possible changes in land preparation and crop management. Agrovista is at the forefront of helping growers to meet this challenge with its range of Innovative nutritional and soil health products.

The environment is now a key constituent of agricultural policy and recent updates to the Sustainable Farming Incentive include, among others, a payment of £45/ha if growers stop using insecticides across their holding. Improvements in insect predator numbers can be managed through environmental adaptions while damage caused by plant viruses, where insects act as the transporting vehicle, can be minimised by introducing plant varieties that carry a tolerance or resistance.

RGT Grouse is a ground-breaking winter wheat variety bred to be resistant to barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV), removing the reliance on autumn-applied aphicide applications, to control this potentially devastating disease, something Agrovista believes every grower will welcome.

Marketed under the brand name GENSERUS, RGT Grouse is one of the first BYDV-resistant wheat varieties available in the UK. RGT Grouse offers protection against the virus from the day the crop is planted to the day it is harvested, for the approximate cost of buying and applying just one pyrethroid spray, when a three-spray pyrethroid programme would often otherwise be required and with zero impact on any beneficial predators.

  • RGT Grouse is the next technical variety from RAGT with resistance to BYDV
  • With better disease resistance than its predecesor, excellent standing and slow-medium growth rate, RGT Grouse has outyielded Gleam in the presence of BYDV by 10 - 23% across two years of Breeder trials
  • Consider for outlying fields, or your earliest drilled ground
  • Being also resistant to OWBM Grouse offers an opportunity to erradicate insecticides on farm entirely and take advantage of new SFI payments
  • *Breeder data

Brown Rust
Resistance to Lodging (+PGR)
Septoria Tritici
Yellow Rust
UK NL - No BYDV97.7
Spec. Weight76.7