s Grass and wildflower mixtures - Agrovista Environmental stewardship mixtures

Grass and wildflower mixtures

These diverse mixtures will provide foraging sites for invertebrates such as bumblebees, solitary bees, butterflies and hoverflies throughout the late spring and summer as well as providing valuable habitat for farmland birds such as Yellowhammers.

Sown into a warm, moist seedbed in late spring or summer the established mixture will produce flowers throughout the late spring and summer months providing a valuable source of pollen and nectar.

The tussocky grasses will also provide a valuable over wintering habitat for invertebrates and small mammals.

SFI/CSS compatibility

Compatibility Arable land Permanent crops Permanent grassland
 Arable crops Temp crops  Horticultural Non horticultural Improved Low input
 IPM 2  Y  Y  Y  Y    
 AB8 Y Y Y      

The seed mixtures have been designed to be compatible with a range of actions within the Countryside Stewardship Scheme (CSS) and the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI). However, these mixtures are no guarantee of compliance and should therefore be grown and managed in a way that can be reasonably expected to meet the aims of the action.

environmental stewardship mixures


Strong creeping red fescue 40%
Head fescue 15%
Smooth stalked meadow grass    5%
Red clover 1.5%
Chewings fescue 25%
Birdsfoot trefoil 0.5%
Lucerne 1.25%
Alsike clover 0.25%
Yarrow 0.25%
Ribwort plaintain 0.5%
Sainfoin 3.75%
Common vetch 3.75%
Crimson clover 3%
White clover 0.25%

Additional information

Pack size 10kg
Sowing rate    16-20kg/ha

Mixture composition may change subject to availability

Download a copy of our Guide to environmental and cover crop seeds brochure here